When angered, his hair and face become a passionate red/orange.
#Hades hercules skull skin
When relaxed or upbeat, his flaming hair and skin retain a calming blue colour. Hades is hot-headed, both figuratively and literally. Despite their constant colossal failures and lies, Hades seems to have a surprising amount of faith in these imps as he continuously sends them out with various missions and tasks, most of which are rather major. The two fear Hades immensely and are used as punching-bags during his outbursts, typically as punishment for their incompetence being a recurring hindrance in Hades' schemes. In the Underworld, Hades is aided by his two shapeshifting lackeys, Pain and Panic. As such, he often allies himself with various beasts and creatures lurking through Greece, hiring them to do his bidding the most notable example being the Titans, who were imprisoned by Zeus eons ago. Though powerful in his own right, Hades is considerably weaker than Zeus and cannot overthrow him alone.

Because of this, Hades secretly plots to overthrow Zeus and rule Mount Olympus as the King of Deities, himself. Unbeknownst to Zeus and the other deities, however, Hades despises the Underworld, as well as his job, finding them both gloomy, depressing, and overbearing. Hades was granted ownership of the Underworld by Zeus, unwillingly.